There are many options for adding content to your course and keeping it organized on the course home page. Here are some of the most commonly used options.


The File module enables an instructor to provide (upload/ add) a file as a course resource. As you upload the file to UR courses, depending on settings, the file is either directly viewed within the course interface or students would be able to download it to their own computers.

A file may be used to do the following:

  • To share presentations given in class
  • Post class lectures (PowerPoint or voice-over PowerPoint using Zoom, PDFs, etc. )
  • To share hand-written/ typed notes/ documents.
  • To include a mini website (for example, a few HTML pages) as a course resource
  • To provide draft files of certain software programs (e.g. Photoshop .psd) so students can edit and submit them for assessment
  • To share audio/video files for recordings of lectures or sounds relevant to the course
  • Post a (revised) course syllabus

Files can be in a large list of formats (PDF, Word, Excel, Quicktime, zip,...etc). It is recommended to use more popular file formats in remote teaching as Students need to have the appropriate software on their computers in order to open the file. A file resource may include supporting files, for example, an HTML page may have embedded images or Flash objects.

PDF files are the most universal type of format. If you use a file in a non-popular format, you can turn most formats into PDF.

Upload Files

  1. Turn on the Edit mode from the top right corner of the course page.
  2. Click Add an activity or resource in the course section in which you want the file to be added
  3. Select File under the resources menu
  4. Type the file name in the Name field
  5. Drag the file from your local hard drive and drop it in the Select files area or click in the Select files rectangle and use the File picker to locate your file
  6. Click Save and return to course or Save and display at the bottom of the page


Note: Please ensure that you have copyright ownership or clearance for any files you provide to students through UR Courses.

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Text and media area (Label)

Text and media area (Label) modules allow for inserting text and/or multimedia into the course page in between links to other resources and activities.

The Text and media area (Label) module is typically used to provide more information on the outline of a course topic or to improve the appearance of the overall course. Example usages include:

  • To split up a long list of activities with a subheading or an image
  • To display an embedded sound file or video directly on the course page
  • To add a short description to a course section

To add a Text and media area (Label):

  1. Turn on the Edit mode from the top right corner of the course page
  2. Click on Add an activity or resource in the course section in which you want the Text and media area (Label) to be added
  3. Select Text and media area (Label) under the resources menu
  4. In the Text section, use the WYSIWYG editor to insert pictures/videos/audio/text you want to show
  5. Then click on Save and return to course at the bottom of the page.
  6. Drag the text and media area (Label) to the appropriate spot in that topic


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Topic Titles

The default topic titles (e.g., Topic 1, Topic 2...etc) can be renamed to reflect the outline of a course. This can include the textual titles for the main modules of your course. You can also name each topic by week. For example, your topic titles would be “Week 10 - March 20-27.” Later, you will place things pertaining to each week in its proper Topic.

To rename Topics:

  1. Click the pencil icon next to the topic title. Click Enter after you have typed your title in the Title box. This is the easiest and quickest way to rename a topic, resource or activity. OR
  2. The other way is to click Edit settings from the three dots menu in the top right of the topic. You will also be able to edit the description text to display on the main page from here.
  3. Change title then click Save and return to course at the bottom of the page

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Can be used to add links to external resources such as

  • Websites
  • YouTube videos
  • Google Drive folder (using the share link so all students will have access)
  • Zoom cloud recordings

Adding a URL

  1. Turn on the Edit mode from the top right corner of the course page
  2. Select Add an activity or resource in the course section in which you want the URL to be added
  3. Select URL under the Resources menu
  4. Enter the text to be used as the link name in the Name field
  5. Type in the address of the webpage to link to in the External URL field
  6. Expand the Appearance section and select the Display setting. The Display setting, together with the URL file type and whether the browser allows embedding, determines how the URL is displayed. External web pages (outside of UR Courses) should typically use the default New window option. The URL will be displayed in a new browser window or tab, allowing UR Courses to remain open in the original window.
  7. Once finished, click on Save and return to course or Save and display at the bottom of the page


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