A Blog is a feed of posts, usually maintained by an individual, with regular entries of commentary, descriptions of events, journaling, graphics or video.

To post in your blog

  1. On the homepage of your course, click on the blog link
  2. Click New blog post.
  3. Add a title for your post. Type text in the Message box.
  4. Add any appropriate tags or tags you were asked to add by your instructor, in the Tag box.
  5. In general, you should leave the Allow comments dropdown as "Yes, from logged-in users." Often the blog is intended to be shared with other students.
  6. Attach any files you wish to attach by:
    1. Clicking on the file icon on top left corner of the upload window
    2. OR dragging and dropping files from your computer into the files area.
  7. Click Add post

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To view/edit or delete your post

In most cases, the blog will include posts from all students in the course or in a group. Some instructors may set the blog to be individual, viewable only to you and the instructor. If you are unsure, ask your instructor if you can’t see posts by other students and feel you should be able to. To interact with the posts and comments in a course blog:

  1. Click on the blog link in the course. The right window lists the posts and comments. Click on any of them.
  2. You can use this list to find the post you want to edit or delete
  3. Click on the Edit or Delete link at the bottom of the post.
    a. If editing, make changes and then click Save changes at the bottom.

    Note: you should not delete posts during the semester unless they were made in error (e.g. double post or an incomplete post).

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