One use for private files is the ability to share the same file accross many courses. The main advantage to this is that you can update the file in one place and it will update the file in all courses to which you have added it. It does not allow for variations between courses, however.

Sharing Files Between Courses

  1. From the UR Courses dashboard, select Manage private files… from within the Private files block. sharingfiles1
  2. Drag and drop, or otherwise upload files to the Private files area using the add file icon. Save Changes once the files have been uploaded. sharingfiles2
  3. Navigate to the first course where you want to include the file, and select Add an activity or resource. sharingfiles3
  4. Select File from the Resources list. sharingfiles4
  5. Give the file a name within the settings page and scroll down to the Select files. Click on the Add file icon highlighted below. sharingfiles5
  6. Click on the Private files area and select the file you wish to include. The important bit is to ensure you have selected to Link to the file. sharingfiles6
  7. Repeat this process of adding a file to the course within any other courses where you would like the file to appear. Be sure to always select it from your Private files area, and always select Link to the file.
  8. When it comes time to update the file, return to the Dashboard and select Manage private files... sharingfiles7
  9. Use the Add file icon or proceed to drag and drop the updated file (with the same filename) into this area. sharingfiles8
    The link icon associated with the file indicates that it has been linked to from other courses. Clicking this link icon will show you the file details, including an overview of where it has been linked. sharingfiles9
  10. You will be prompted to confirm whether or not you want to overwrite the file once the updated file has been uploaded. Click Overwrite. sharingfiles10
  11. Finally, click Save changes to save the updated file. The file will now be updated in all courses where it was linked. sharingfiles11

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