Quizzes & Exams
The Quiz activity enables an instructor to create quizzes comprising questions of various types, including multiple choice, true and false, essay and matching.
The instructor can allow the quiz to be attempted multiple times, with the questions shuffled or randomly selected from the question bank (this is recommended if cheating is a concern). A time limit may be set. The quiz can be set to automatically open for attempts and close to limit when students may complete the quiz, or it can be left open for students to attempt whenever they like.
Creating a quiz is a two-step process. First, the quiz activity must be created with options which specify the rules for interacting with the quiz set. Second, the quiz is created by adding questions.
Quizzes may be used
- As course exams
- As mini tests for reading assignments or at the end of a topic
- As exam practice using questions from past exams
- To deliver immediate feedback about performance
- For self-assessment
UR Courses Exam/Quiz Tips
This guide lists some tips to help you create an exam on your own or with the assistance of a University staff member, that is academically sound to avoid academic misconduct. No matter what precautions you take to ensure that no academic misconduct, it still will. With technology such as mobile device cameras and the print screen option on a PC or laptop, your exam questions will inevitably get out there for other students to see in the future. This is why it is important to change your questions and exam for each delivery of your course, especially when doing exams online.
Before you start
- Decide if you are in fact going to have a final exam in UR Courses or another form of assessment. If you are here you are probably wanting to have the former.
- Make the exam questions as low tech as possible. We don’t know what kind of device students will be using, and what type of Internet connection they have.
- For help with creating exams, please contact it.support@uregina.ca
- Communicate with students that they are to complete a UR Courses Student Practice Exam (https://urcourses.uregina.ca/course/view.php?id=16143) prior to writing the final exam. The practice exam can be accessed by going to URL. Instructors are encouraged to communicate this link to students prior to the exam by email, forum or by posting a link (URL) in your course.
- Communicate with students that they should use the UR Courses messaging feature to ask technical problems during the exam. For questions the instructor can’t answer, they are to direct students to contact IT Support (306-585-5845) during the instructor with questions during the exam.
- Try to use low tech questions that are accessible on any device like the ones that are included in UR Courses by default.
There are two parts to creating a UR Courses exam - Quiz settings (‘Edit Settings’) and Exam questions (‘Editing a Quiz’). Each of these parts are explained in more detail below. Exam settings other than adding an exam title can be done before or after the actual quiz questions are added.
Quiz Settings
The exam settings are separate from the actual exam questions. These settings can be modified before or after questions are added. These settings allow you to add an exam description, change the open and close dates and times, layout, grade and other restrictions.
You can access your exams in one of two ways:
- If you have not created your quiz, please refer to the Creating a quiz section.
- In your UR Course, find and click on the name of the quiz you want to edit (assuming your have already created your quiz).
- Click Settings.
Note: Hide quiz link, using ‘eyeball’ icon until finished setting Timing or students will potentially see questions ahead of the exam.
Here you can add a description that students will see before they attempt the exam (quiz). Below is some sample language you could use. This can be modified as you want.
Standard Exam Instructions
It is recommended that you use a hard-wired Internet connection rather than a wireless connection when completing this exam, if possible
The exam open and close details, time limits, and attempts are posted below. Once you start the exam you have to finish it, so make sure you wait until you have an uninterrupted time before starting.
- To start the quiz, select 'Attempt quiz now'.
- There will be a pop-up window indicating the time limit. Select the ‘Start attempt’ button to start clock countdown. The clock keeps running even if you exit the exam. Leave enough time for you to complete.
- Answer each question.
- Move between pages by using the ’Next’ button at page bottom or the ‘Quiz navigation’ box located on the left side of your screen. This also saves and you move through pages.
- You may select the ‘Flag question’ icon to visually add a red flag. This will help identify questions you may want to return to.
- When finished answering all questions, save and submit the exam using the 'Finish attempt’ link in the ‘Quiz navigation’ box.
- Information about pages viewed within UR Courses, will be tracked.
- Scores may not be available until your instructor decides to release them.
- By taking this exam, you agree to abide by the academic regulations as set out by the University of Regina which includes: not sharing questions and answers with other students during or after the exam, making sure you are writing the exam and not someone else unauthorized to do so, not communicating with other students during the exam, and not looking up information in the course or on the Internet during the exam. (optional wording)
Open and Close times
Instructors are encouraged to keep the open and close times in line with what is listed in UR Self-Service, Registrar’s office final exam matrix unless the exam is going to be less time than what has been scheduled. For example, your exam might be scheduled for 3 hours but you have only created an exam that should take students 2 hours. In this case, it would be recommended that the open and close times be for the full 3 hours but the time limit be set to 2 hours or 2 hours and 15 min to give students a bit of extra time in case of technical difficulties. But, this decision is entirely up to the instructor.
Note: The times can be set based on a 24 hour clock. Times are based on the Regina time zone. Students will see the adjusted open and close times based on the time zone they are in. There is no need to adjust this for each student.
Time Limit
The time limit setting can be enabled in addition to the open and close dates. This allows students a certain amount of time to complete an exam within the open and close times. It also allows them to see a countdown clock so students know how much time they have left. Having too much time may allow students to start the exam at different times within the open and close times which could give students the ability to share questions and answers with other students during or after the exam. For these reasons it is recommended that the time limit closely match the open and close times set.
When time expires
It is recommended that when the time limit expires that ‘Open attempts are submitted automatically’.
If you choose the grace period option (as seen below) and enable grace period minutes students will be able to finish the question they are on before the quiz is automatically submitted within the number of minutes specified.
For attempts allowed set to 1.
Choose a number of questions per page. No more than three questions per page is recommended for MC and TF questions. The more questions per page, the more chance there is for students to cheat. For short answer, essay and calculation type questions, one per page should be sufficient.
For the navigation method, decide whether to leave as ‘Free’ or change to ‘Sequential’. Free allows students to go to any question on the exam in any order. Sequential forces them to complete the exam in a certain order. Sequential will prevent some cheating but it does not replicate a student’s ability to freely answer questions in any order on a paper based final.
Question Behaviour
For a final exam, use the defaults as shown below.
Review Options
These options control what information students can see when they review a quiz attempt or look at the quiz reports.
- During the attempt – Settings are only relevant for some behaviours like “Interactive with Multiple tries” which may display feedback during the attempt.
- Immediately after the attempt – Settings apply for the first two minutes after ‘Submit all and finish’ is clicked.
- Later, while the quiz is still open – Settings apply after this, and before the quiz close date.
- After the quiz is closed – Settings apply after the quiz close date has passed. If the quiz does not have a close date, this state is never reached.
If you do not want students to have access to any marks, feedback or the right answer during and after the exam has closed, you can uncheck all checkboxes.
Use defaults
Extra restrictions on attempts
Consider just using the defaults. You can enable the Require password option and set a simple password that students will need to enter in order to begin the exam. If enabled, it is recommended you post the password along with any other instructions into the description area for the quiz. Since UR Courses itself is secure, a password isn’t necessarily required, but it does help prevent issues with students all trying to start the exam simultaneously. Even if a password is enabled the password could be communicated with someone outside of the course that is unauthorized to complete the exam.
Browser security can be enabled by selecting Full screen pop-up with some JavaScript security. This removes the messaging and notification functions from the top toolbar and puts more emphasis on the exam session itself. We noticed that once browser security is enabled, student will get a 404 error at the end of the exam. The exam will be submitted without issues but this can cause confusion among students. Since this has not been fully tested on all devices, it is recommended that you choose ‘None’. Use this setting with caution.
Other Quiz Settings
Use the defaults for Overall feedback, Common module settings, Restrict access, Activity completion, Tags.
Quiz Questions
General Considerations
- Treat your exam as an open book exam meaning that students could be doing the exam together, chatting during an exam or looking up information in the course.
- Add the following question #1 to your exam.
By taking this exam, you agree to abide by the academic regulations as set out by the University of Regina which includes: not sharing questions and answers with other students during or after the exam, making sure you are writing the exam and not someone else unauthorized to do so, not communicating with other students during the exam, and not looking up information in the course or on the Internet during the exam. (optional wording)- I agree
- I don’t agree
- Confirm ‘Total of marks’ and ‘Maximum grade’ (% of final grade) is correct
- Once exam is built, use ‘Preview’ to see what that the exam looks and functions properly.
Adding Questions to a Quiz
Questions can be added to the quiz manually or imported as a bulk of questions to a question bank and then added to a quiz, please refer to the Creating and Adding Questions to a Quiz section.
Manually Adding Questions
Questions can be added manually to a quiz by selecting a question type and then copying and pasting from another document or typing into the quiz directly.
Importing Questions
If you want to add a lot of questions to a quiz that are currently in a MS Word or other document format, you can bulk export these questions using one of the following tools. The file needs to be saved as a .txt file type before it is imported.
AIKEN format
- Uploading Quiz Questions to UR Courses using the Aiken Format (works for MC and TF only)
VLE Moodle XML converter
Question Banks
- Create one or more question banks (categories) where questions can be added manually or using one of the above importing options.
- In the question preview – use ‘fill in correct responses’ to double check accuracy
- Have more questions in the question bank than will be required on the exam. For example, you could have 100 questions in a question bank but only randomize 50 of these on the exam. This way each student will get different questions in a different order.
- Create a category to store all questions. You can have one or more categories organized in different ways. Here are some examples.
- Example 1 - Create a separate category for each question type (MC, TF, Essay, SA)
- Example 2 - Create a separate category for each level of difficulty - easy, medium and hard questions.
- Create a category to store all questions. You can have one or more categories organized in different ways. Here are some examples.
- Randomize questions from one or more categories so every student gets the same number of question types (MC, TF) and level of difficulty and in a different order.
- Multichoice, true/false, matching and essay are the most commonly used. Flip easy memorization questions into application of knowledge that can't be easily looked up on the internet.
- Remember, you can add images, graphs and have a multichoice based on what they see.
- Enable shuffle questions checkbox if you want all the students to get the same questions but in a randomized order.
- Shuffle within questions (shuffle answers) for each question behavior (answers appear in different order for each student). For example, answer A for student 1 might be answer D for student 2.
- Replace ‘all of the above’ to ‘all of these answers’ and ‘none of the above’ to ‘none of these answers’ if shuffling. Also avoid answers such as ‘A and B’. Type answers for ‘A’ and ‘B’ out
- Avoid numbering or lettering questions in your source document. Most times this will have to be deleted as moodle has its own number/lettering
- Place 1-3 short questions per page to avoid losing student data. Each page is saved before a student moves to the next. Only have one essay question per page.
- Timing is crucial. Too much time and students will look up answers, too little time and students are stressed. Suggested timing for multi/choice and true false type exams are 45 secs to 1 minute per question and a few additional minutes if needed. Example: 30 questions - 35 minutes. 15 questions - 17 minutes. But, for questions that involve calculations in order to get the answer, more time may be required.
- Total of quiz marks can be different than the maximum grade. Example: quiz added up to 50 marks but the instructor wants it to be worth 15 percent of final grades. Change the maximum grade to 15. UR Courses will automatically recalculate the grades based on this.
- Consider starting your exam with SA or Essay questions rather than MC or maybe mix up the questions.
User Override
This setting allows a student to be given extra time on an exam due to an accommodation request through the Centre for Student Accessibility, please refer to the User Override section.
Note: Do not create multiple exams or use groups or groupings for students with accommodations such as more exam time. Instructors can instead set up a quiz user override.
Other Considerations
- Encourage alternative assignments (projects, essays, research, literature reviews, summary of learning) or open book take-home exams. See https://urcourses.uregina.ca/guides/instructor/assessment
- Consider a three part exam: part 1: quiz in UR Courses; part 2: submitting assignment with pictures of work; part 3: Oral exam in Zoom.
- Embedded answers (cloze), drag and drop type questions allow for more complex questions. More time for building these types and testing them in the preview is needed.
- Depending on circumstances, essay questions can enable drag and drop of attached files. Example: a math student submits an image of work on a math equation. For questions that involve attaching questions, maybe a timed assignment would be a better option; less to go wrong. These types of questions could also be done as a timed assignment where students upload scans/pictures of work done on paper for example and submit this as an assignment rather than using the quiz tool.
- Essay questions allow for a response template to be created that prompts students.
- PoodLL Recording allows for audio response, video response, and picture response. To obtain access to PoodLL, contact IT.Support@uregina.ca
- Have a plan B is the there are technical problems with an exam
Exam Settings Checklist Before Exam Goes Live
Below is a list of tasks that should be verified to make sure the final exam is set up properly before it does live.
- Make sure the final exam is called ‘Final Exam’ and placed at the very top of the course homepage.
- Communicate with students about completing the practice exam in the Practice Course prior to the actual exam to ensure technical problems and student anxiety are lessened.
- The instructor should double check exam settings and review all questions for accuracy.
- Consider testing with a student account or at least previewing the exam in order to make sure everything is working.
- Make sure the marks per question are accurate. e.g. essay questions would most likely be more than 1 mark.
- Check that the open, close times and time limit closely match in order to avoid students from starting the exam at different times and possibly exchanging questions and answers with other students during the exam.
- Instructors can set up a quiz user override for students requiring extra time (accommodations).
- Consider hiding all course content by clicking the ‘eyeball’ next to each topic and/or file just before the exam starts.
- Make sure the final exam is located at the very top of the course or in a separate section called Final Exam.
Creating a Quiz
To add the quiz tool:
- Within your course, turn Edit Mode on.
- Click on Add an activity or resource and select Quiz.
- Enter the Name of the quiz and an optional short description.
- Determine Timing, Attempts, Grading, Review Options, Security, etc for the quiz. If the option is not listed, select the Show More button at the bottom of the section (see below for more information).
- Press Save and return to course or Save and display.
The timing of a quiz can be restricted to a particular period. Click the enable boxes to allow the timing of the quiz to be adjusted. If timing is not enabled, the quiz will never close.
- Open the quiz – The quiz start date and time.
- Close the quiz – The quiz end date and time.
- Time limit (minutes) – The time students are allowed to complete the quiz once they begin.
- When time expires – This setting controls what happens if the student fails to submit their quiz before time expires. If the student is actively working on the quiz at the time, then the countdown timer will automatically submit the attempt for them. If they have logged out, this setting controls what happens.
- Grade category – The setting controls the gradbooke category where this activity’s grades are located in the gradebook.
- Grade to pass – This setting determines the minimum grade required to pass the quiz.
- Attempts allowed – Number of times a student can attempt the quiz.
- Grading method –
- Highest grade: The final grade is the highest (best) grade in any attempt.
- Average grade: The final grade is the average (simple mean) of all attempts.
- First grade: The final grade is the grade gained on the first attempt (other attempts are ignored).
- Last grade: The final grade is the grade gained on the most recent attempt only.
- New page – For longer quizzes, quizzes can be divided over several pages by limiting the number of questions per page. When adding questions to the quiz, page breaks will automatically be inserted according to this setting.
- Navigation method – When sequential navigation is enabled a student must progress through the quiz in order and may not return to previous pages nor skip ahead.
Question Behaviour
- Shuffle within questions – If enabled, the parts making up each question will be randomly shuffled each time a student attempts the quiz, provided the option is also enabled in the question settings. This setting only applies to questions with multiple parts such as multiple choice or matching questions.
- How questions behave –
- Adaptive mode – Students have multiple attempts at the question before moving on.
- Deferred feedback – Students must submit an answer to each question and submit the entire quiz before anything is graded or they receive feedback.
- Immediate feedback – Student can submit their response immediately and it will be graded. However, students are only allowed one response.
- Interactive with multiple tries – Students submit each question as they go along to get immediate feedback. If they do not answer correctly immediately, they have another try for fewer marks.
- Each attempt builds on the last – If multiple attempts are allowed and this setting is enabled, each new quiz attempt will contain the results of the previous attempt.
Review options
These options control what information students can see when they review a quiz attempt or look at the quiz reports.
- During the attempt – Settings are only relevant for some behaviours like “Interactive with Multiple tries” which may display feedback during the attempt.
- Immediately after the attempt – Settings apply for the first two minutes after ‘Submit all and finish’ is clicked.
- Later, while the quiz is still open – Settings apply after this, and before the quiz close date.
- After the quiz is closed – Settings apply after the quiz close date has passed. If the quiz does not have a close date, this state is never reached.
Users with the capability to ‘View hidden grades’ (usually instructors and administrators) are not affected by these settings and will always be able to review all information about a student’s attempt at any time.
Note: Depending if the quiz you’ve created is a chapter review, you may want to show the answer right after the attempt (choose: Immediately after the attempt) or show the answers, marks while the quiz is still open (choose: Later, while the quiz is still open). For quizzes or exams that are included in the final mark, in order to avoid students who finish being able to share the answers to other students who have not done the quiz or exam yet, you can select to release the information only after the quiz is closed. For the example above, this means that students will only receive their marks after the quiz is closed and will not get any type of feedback.
Note: Students will not be able to see their marks in the grade book, unless ‘Marks’ is checked off under Later, while the quiz is still open.
- Show the user’s picture – If enabled, the student’s name and picture will be shown on-screen during the attempt and on the review screen, making it easier to check that the student is logged in as themselves in an invigilated (proctored) exam.
- Decimal places in grades – This setting specifies the number of digits shown after the decimal point when displaying grade(s). It only affects the display of grades, not the grades stored in the database, nor the internal calculations, which are carried out to full accuracy.
- Decimal places in the question grades – The setting specifies the number of digits shown after the decimal point when displaying the grades for individual questions.
- Show blocks during quiz attempts – If set to yes then normal blocks will be shown during the quiz attempts.
Extra restrictions on attempts
- Require password – If a password is specified, a student must enter it in order to attempt the quiz.
- Require network address – If quiz access is restricted to particular subnets on the LAN or Internet by specifying a comma-separated list of partial or full IP address numbers.
- Enforced delay between 1st and 2nd attempts – If enabled, a student must wait for the specified time to elapse before being able to attempt the quiz a second time.
- Enforced delay between later attempts – If enabled, a student must wait for the specified time to elapse before attempting the quiz a third time and any subsequent times.
- Browser security – If “Full screen pop-up with some JavaScript security” is selected,
- The quiz will only start if the student has a JavaScript enabled web browser.
- The quiz appears in a full screen popup window that covers all the other windows and has no navigation.
- Students are prevented, as far as is possible, from using facilities such as copy and paste.
Overall feedback
Overall feedback is shown after a quiz has been attempted. By specifying grade boundaries (as a percentage or as a number), the text can depend on the grade achieved.
Common module settings
- Visible – Show or hide the assignment.
- ID number – Setting an ID number provides a way of identifying the activity for grade calculation purposes. If the activity is not included in any grade calculation then the ID number field may be left blank.
- Group mode – Has three options:
- No Groups – there are no sub groups. Everyone is part of one big community.
- Separate Groups – each group member can only see their own groups while others are invisible.
- Visible Groups – each group member works in their own group but can also see other groups.
- Grouping – A grouping is a collection of groups within a course. If a grouping is selected, students assigned to groups within the grouping will be able to work together.
Restrict access
The restrict access section allows for restrictions to be placed on activities.
- Date – Prevent access until (or from) a specified date and time.
- Grade – Require students to achieve a specified grade to access the activity.
- Group – Allow only students who belong to a specific group or all groups to access the activity.
- Grouping – Allow only students who belong to a group within a specified grouping.
- User Profile – Control access based on fields within the student’s profile.
- Restriction set – Add a set of nested restrictions to apply complex logic.
Gradual Entry
This setting allows the instructor to control access to the quiz by randomly assigning students a start time within the first minute of the quiz. This will reduce slowdowns due to large groups of students starting quizzes at the same time.
When enabled, upon loading the quiz page prior to the quiz start date and time, the start attempt button is disabled. A countdown period is started at the time of the quiz (randomly assigned, up to a time set up by your institution). When this countdown ends, the start attempt button is re-enabled and the student can then initiate the quiz attempt.
To Set Gradual Entry to Quiz:
- Open your quiz and click Settings.
- Navigate to the Extra restrictions on attempts section.
- Select the checkbox next to Sets a random access delay.
- Click Save and return to course or Save and display button to apply the setting.
Creating and Adding Questions to a Quiz
There are three ways to create questions for use with quizzes:
- Access the course Question Bank.
- Use a random question from the Question Bank.
- Enter questions directly into a quiz as the quiz is being built.
To add a question to the Question Bank:
- Open the More menu and select the Question bank tab.
- Select create a new question.
- Click Questions tab, select the question style you want to use, and click Add.
- Select the Category for the course – this is where the question will be stored.
- Enter a question name. This is a short description of the question.
- Enter the question text. This is the quiz question.
- Enter the default mark.
- If desired, enter feedback for the response.
- Enter the answer or answers depending on your type of question.
- Click Save changes OR Save changes and continue editing.
Note: Choose Save changes and continue editing to see a Preview question button when the page reloads.
To add a question from the Question Bank:
- Open the quiz and click Questions.
- Navigation Options:
- A. Maximum Grade – Grade assigned when creating the quiz. This can be adjusted after questions have been added.
- B. Total of marks – Will tally up the marks assigned as questions are added.
- C. Shuffle – Check to shuffle all questions so students receive them in different orders.
- D. Add – Add questions to the quiz.
- Click Add and select from question bank.
- Check off all questions to be added. The category may need to be switched to find all questions.
- Press Add selected questions to the quiz.
- Adjust the Maximum grade to match the Total of marks in the quiz.
- Press Save.
To add a new question directly to a quiz:
- Open the quiz and click Questions.
- Click Add and select a new question.
- Select the type of question to insert and press Add.
- Select the Category for the course – this is where the question will be stored.
- Setup the question as desired.
- Save changes OR Save changes and continue editing.
Note: A question added directly to the quiz will also be added to the question bank.
To add a random question:
Adding random questions works best when a category has more questions than will be added to the quiz. For example, Category 1 has 50 questions. Quiz 1 will use 25 of those 50 questions. By assigning random questions, each student will receive a random 25 questions from the bank of 50.
- Click Add and select a random question.
- Choose the category where the random question should be chosen from.
- Choose the number of random questions to be added from the drop down.
- Select Add random question.
Creating Categories for Question Bank
Questions in the question bank can be grouped into Categories. For example, Category 1 contains questions from Chapter 1, Category 2 contains questions from Chapter 2, etc. It is essential to create categories to utilize the random question option.
To create categories:
- Open the More menu and select the Question bank tab.
- Choose Categories.
- Choose the parent category is creating a sub-category: The parent category is the one in which the new category will be placed. "Top" means that this category is not contained in any other category. Category contexts are shown in bold type. There must be at least one category in each context.
- Enter the category Name.
- Enter Category info if desired.
- Press Add category.
To rename a category:
- Open the Question bank.
- Click on the Categories link.
- In the list of question categories, find the category and select the Action menu (cogwheel icon) to edit the title.
- Choose the parent category.
- Rename the category.
- Save changes.
To move questions to a different category in the Question Bank:
- Open the More Menu and select the Question bank tab.
- Choose Questions.
- Find the question to move and select the Action menu for the question.
- Uncheck the Use this category checkbox.
- In the Save in category dropdown, select the new category for the questions.
- Press Save changes.
Editing the Quiz
To change the question order:
- Open the quiz and select Questions.
Select the question by clicking on the Move symbol and drag the question to the desired location.
Press the up or down arrow to move the question up or down.
To repaginate the question:
- Open the quiz and select Questions.
- Press the Repaginate button.
- Select the amount of questions to be shown on a page and press Go.
User and Group Override
The quiz has the option to give specific groups or users overrides on the times the student/group can attempt the quiz. Use this setting to give a student another chance at completing a quiz or to add extra time for an accommodation letter for a specific student.
To setup a user/group override:
- Click on the quiz title and select More.
- Select Overrides.
- Choose user override or group override.
- Search for the user(s) to add the override for.
Enter the new open and close times as well as the time limit and attempts allowed, if applicable. If the student’s time limit is longer than the Open and Close dates/times, then you need to add a time limit override and an Open and Close date/time override.
Example: Exam timing settings
- Open the quiz: April 13 at 9 am
- Close the quiz: April 13 at 12 pm
- Time Limit: 3 hours.
For a student with 1.5 time accommodation, user override will need to be set to close time: April 13 at 1:30 pm and time limit 4.5 hours.
- Press Save to return to the Quiz or press Save and enter another override to enter additional overrides.
Note: If the quiz is hidden when the user overrides are added, the message below will appear. It seems to indicate that the student won’t be able to write the quiz, which is not case. As soon as the exam is unhidden for students, this message will disappear.
To View User Overrides for Quizzes:
A link is available from the quiz page to show the instructor what user overrides are in place. The instructor no longer has to go into the quiz settings in order to see this information.
Clicking on the Users: (number) link will display the list of students with an override and indicate what type of override has been granted.
Accessing the Attempts
To access the quiz attempts:
- Open the quiz.
- Click on Attempts and a new page will open showing the results of the quiz.
- The Attempts page gives several options to customize the display of the results. Choose which attempts to view and how many to view per page.
- Based on the settings selected, a list of students and their attempts will be displayed.
To view the student’s answer to a particular question:
- Click on the grade they received for the question.
To view all answers for a student:
- Click on Review attempt or on the Final grade for the quiz.
To override a mark:
- Click on the grade the student received.
- A new window will open with the student’s answer and the correct answer. Press Make comment or override mark.
- In the new popup window, enter a comment or simply adjust the mark.
- Press Save.
Minimum and Maximum Word Count for Essay Questions
Minimum and maximum word count limits can be specified for an Essay question type in a quiz. The system will display the word count below the frame of the essay response box so that the student will know how many words have been entered. If the student tries to submit fewer words than the minimum word count, or more words than the maximum word count, an error message will appear and the student cannot save their answer without correcting it to fall within the word count range specified.
To set the word count limits:
- Create a quiz and select the settings required
- Edit the quiz in order to add questions
- Add an Essay question
- Enter the question text and settings as required
- In the Response options section, set the word limits
- Minimum word limit: select the Enable checkbox and enter the value for the minimum number of words allowed
- Maximum word limit: select the Enable checkbox and enter the value for the maximum number of words allowed
- Complete the rest of the question settings
- Click on the Save changes button
If the student did not write an essay that met the minimum or maximum word limits specified they would receive an error message when the quiz was submitted. The student would then click on the Return to attempt button in order to return to their essay and correct it so that it was complete and met the minimum or maximum word limits.
Once the student returns to the Essay question, the system explains what caused the error.
Scrolling Timer for Quiz
The timer for a quiz now appears on every quiz page so that students will always see the time remaining in the quiz. The timer is located on the upper right side of the page, just above the question.