When you login to UR Courses, your UR Courses page will show an email icon for each one of your courses, if you have something in your inbox for that course. If you see an email icon for a course, go into that course right away and check your inbox.

Course Email is a specialized inbox where you can send and receive messages from your instructor and classmates within the course. Remember, Course Email is specifically for course-related messages and is separate from your university email account. Use it to stay connected and updated about your courses without blending course messages with your emails.

Sending Course Email

  1. Click New Message
  2. Select an addressee from the Participants list, (use CTRL or SHIFT to select more than one addressee).
  3. Enter a Subject line, type your message and add an attachment (if needed).
  4. Click Send

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Forwarding Course Email

Students can choose to receive notifications for all UR Courses email at their @uregina.ca email account. This is selected by default. To confirm or change this:

  1. Click on the Course Email icon in UR Courses
  2. Turn the notification box on for each course you wish to receive notifications for

Note: This will provide a notification, but it is not possible to reply to the message from a @uregina.ca email account. To read the email and reply, you must log into UR Courses.

Important: If students have Forum subscriptions turned on, all forum postings will be emailed to the U of R email address (@uregina.ca) that appears in the student's profile, NOT the Course email area accessed within the course. Unless your instructor has removed this option to make sure no one misses any important information, you can choose not to get these emails by unsubscribing to the forum(s).

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Accessing Course Email

  1. Click on the Course Email icon in UR Courses top navigation bar and select the appropriate course mailbox, or...
  2. Click the Course Email activity within a course page.

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Reading Course Email

  1. Click Inbox, a list of messages will appear
  2. Click on specific messages to read

Note: When you have new messages the Course Email icon in the top navigation bar will show a red box with a count of new messages in it.

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Organizing Course Email

  1. Click Manage Folders
  2. Enter a name, for example “Read” and click Create New
  3. Go to your inbox, select read messages and move them to the “Read” folder

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