The Assignment tool allows instructors to collect work from students. Students can submit files (example: word-processed documents, images, or other file types), type text directly in the text editor online, or a combination of both! Instructors can also leave feedback, fill out a rubric, or upload a response file when grading.
Submitting a file-based assignment
- Click on the assignment link.
Note: Details such as submission status, grade status, due date, and time remaining will be listed.
- Click Add submission.
- You can add your submission by either:
a. dragging and dropping the file onto the box with the arrow
b. OR you can add your submission by using the upload menu within the file picker:
- Click on the file icon (Add button) within the File submission box.
- In the File Picker pop up, select the Upload a file option on the left side
- Select the Choose File button and select your file
- Click the Upload this file button
- All files will appear in the File submission box
- Select the Save changes button to complete your submission
Submitting an online text assignment
In some cases, you will be asked to type directly into UR Courses to complete an online assignment.
- Click on the Assignment link.
- Details about the specific assignment such as submission status, grade status, due date, and time remaining will be listed.
- Click on the ‘Add submission’ button.
- In the Online text, editor box, type as you normally would in a word-processing program.
Note: click on the button at the top left corner of the text box to expand the toolbar for additional formatting options (see right).
- Format icons are located at the top if you would like to bold, italicize, number, bullet, or add a hyperlink.
- When finished, select the ‘Save changes’ button.
Note: In some cases you may be asked to complete an online text area AND submit a file. Please read your assignment instructions carefully to be certain.

Submitting a Turnitin assignment
A Turnitin assignment activity allows students and instructors to interact with directly from within their course.
Students can submit files or type text directly in the text editor online, depending on the assignment's configuration.
- Click on the Assignment link.
Note: Details such as submission status, grade status, due date, and time remaining will be listed.
- Click on the Submit Paper button in the submission table at the bottom of the page.
Note: The first time submitting a document, you will be asked to agree to terms and conditions of Turnitin enabled assignments.
- Select the submission type from the dropdown menu (if available).
- Provide a name for your submission. Attach a file or enter content into the text area.
- Click Add submission
- If your instructor has allowed students to view their originality report, you can access it by clicking on the Similarity result. You may need to refresh the page if Turnitin takes longer than usual to generate the report.
For information on viewing your submission within Turnitin's Feedback Studio, please refer to our Turnitin page.
Feedback for assignments can consist of both a grade and, potentially, additional comments within UR Courses or a file which can be downloaded. Students can view grades in the Gradebook by clicking on Grades in the Administration Block or by clicking on the assignment name from the main page or selecting it through the Assignments in the Activities block and clicking on the specific assignment. Feedback comments can be viewed in the gradebook as well as on the assignment page. Feedback files need to be accessed through the assignment page. Click on the name of the feedback file to download it.
What is a rubric? A rubric is a popular way for instructors to communicate expectations for an assignment. Some instructor may provide a simple rubric within the course outline or they may include a rubric within the Assignment tool. The rubric outlines what you need to do in order to achieve the marks you want. The following is an example of a simple rubric:
1 point |
2 points |
3 points |
Use of language |
very basic writing |
some errors but fairly accurate |
high level of accuracy |
Relevance of content |
none of the required points covered |
some points covered, but has some irrelevance |
most content is covered |
Appropriateness of style. |
style not appropriate |
fairly good style |
very appropriate style |
Some assigments may require you to make a multimedia submission, which could use an audio or video recorder, a whiteboard, or request a snapshot from your webcam. More information on making a submission for this type of assignment continues below.
If your assignment is requesting an audio submission, a single button audio recorder may appear. Follow the steps below to create your own audio recording.
Recording tips
- Try to minimize background noise
- Use headphones and a microphone if possible
The audio recorder should detect your default microphone. To select another input device, click the gears icon.
Click the centre green button to record. Click it again to review your audio recording.
If you would like to make a new recording, click the Restart button below the recorder button.
Once you are satisfied with your recording, click Upload. Click Insert to save the recording to the server and submit it to the assignment.
Once the submission has been uploaded, click the Save changes button.
If your assignment is requesting a video submission, a 3-step video recorder may appear. Follow the steps below to create your own video recording.
Recording tip
- Try to minimize background noise
If you haven't allowed UR Courses to access your camera, your web browser will prompt you for access. Ensure the URL is correct and allow access.
The video recorder should detect your default camera. To select another input device, click on the gears icon.
The maximum duration for your recording is displayed in the bar above the camera preview. It will begin counting once the recording is started.
Click on the record button to begin recording. Click the same button again to stop recording.
Click the Play button to review your recording.
If you would like to make a new recording, click the Record button again. This will replace the current recording from the previous step.
Once you have reviewed your recording and are satisfied, click the third Upload button to save the recording to the server.
Once the submission has been successfully uploaded, click the Save changes button below.
If your assignment is requesting a whiteboard submission, a whiteboard area will appear that allows you to draw, create shapes, add text, and save the result as an image.
Use the drawing and text tools to make your submission.
Once satisfied with your submission, be sure to click the Save Picture button if the whiteboard has not already been uploaded automatically.
Finally, to make your submission click the Save changes button below.
If your assignment is requesting a snapshot submission, a prompt will appear requesting access to your camera. Once permitted, a preview of your default webcam will appear above the following buttons.

If you haven't allowed UR Courses to access your camera, your web browser will prompt you for access. Ensure the URL is correct and allow access.
Click Take Picture to create a snapshot.
If you are not satisfied with the result, click Cancel.
Once you are satisfied with the result, click Upload.
Once the snapshot has been uploaded, click Save changes button below.
If you are having difficulty submitting to an assignment, please contact with a link to the assignment, or the name of the course and assignment, and a detailed description of the problem.